What are the Common Causes of Male Infertility?

 Before you blame your partner or try anything else, it will be better to know about the hurdles that block the way to successful pregnancy with your partner in a natural way. Some of the common causes include, but are not limited to:

· Varicoceles

· Hormones

· Medication

· Obstructions

· Retrograde Ejaculation

· Sperm Disorders

At a selected fertility clinic in Mumbai, you will get proper tests done to diagnose the issue that blocks your way to a successful pregnancy. There is no denying the fact that women have mostly been connected with the Infertility Issue. Male infertility is also a big issue – contributing to as much as 40% of infertility cases. The fact is different as it is really hard to detect the symptoms of infertility in men in comparison to women. It may make the way of process complicated. Here are some of the factors that may cause infertility in men and need proper male infertility treatment in Mumbai or any other city.

Varicoceles often Results in Complications with Sperm Production

They are the veins in the scrotum and sometimes result in complications with usual sperm production. It is a cause of male infertility. It is curable and the male partner will be able to help the female partner in conceiving. Experts say that varicoceles have also been responsible for low sperm count, sperm morphology, and sperm quality.

Retrograde Ejaculation or Dry Ejaculation

In some cases, retrograde ejaculation or dry ejaculation can be the main cause of male infertility. It causes no semen reaches the bladder during orgasm. It may happen due to varied reasons like damage to the spinal cord, any previous surgery, or diabetes. In such a case, an IUI procedure is required to help the partner in pregnancy.

Tubal Issues May Result in Low Sperm Count and Infertility

Doctors say sperms have to travel through varied tubes before coming out during ejaculation. If any of the tubes are found blocked, it would result in low sperm count and sometimes infertility.

Infections May Result in Damage to the Sperm and Tubes

Infections may cause damage to the sperm and tubes. Gonorrhea is one such infection that can result in irritation in the testicles and epididymis.

Lifestyle May Cause Infertility in Male Partners Too

Sometimes, lifestyle changes and daily routines may also cause infertility in men. Smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, and recreational drugs while working in front of furnaces, excess weight, and exposure to environmental factors like heavy metals, harmful chemicals, and radiation can also affect fertility.

There may be some other causes too that may result in infertility. You are advised to consult with doctors or look for some alternatives like IVF treatment in Mumbai recommended by the specialists after proper checkups and tests. In some cases, the female partners can have some issues too that need proper diagnosis and then treatment. You are advised to consult with experts or join the counseling sessions that are arranged at different treatment centers.

Find a recognized clinic for male infertility treatment in Mumbai, where a step-by-step process is completed to ensure you will get successful in growing your family. Before you start consulting with doctors for male infertility treatment in Mumbai or even anywhere else, you are advised to know about the symptoms and signs of infertility. Tests and diagnosis processes will sort out the problem to a great level.

Read more: https://goral-gandhi.livejournal.com/1851.html


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